Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Gender Roles, Marriage and a Sense of Responsibility Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Apparently, Mrs. Mallard was not able to deal with her conditions in marriage effectively (Chopin, 2011). Largely, she was not able to control emotional dullness that she feels in her life. Indeed, she longed for freedom or change which she got briefly when she digested the meaning of the information that her husband was dead. It is apparent that Mr. Mallard had imposed rules or values in their marriage life that had influenced the views and health of her wife. It is arguable that matters touching on relationship influence the general life of an individual. Psychologically, exposures to factors that influence stress levels in the human brain to reduce the activity of neurons, which are responsible for other body functions (Kalat, 2010). The brain coordinates body activities through neurons, which may die during a high level of stress. In the story Secret Life of Walter Mitty , Mitty, the main player in the story has to face a hard time in his marriage. His marriage does not offer a nything pleasurable. He feels that his wife has dominated the marriage. He looks for a means, which could help him escape problems associated with his married life. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Roles, Marriage and a Sense of Responsibility or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page However, daydreams are the genesis of great inventions that the society boosts of today. In the story, Mitty s fantastic life takes him away from real life. His wife observed abnormality in his actions or perceptions towards life.

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